Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Inorganic Food and the effects on your body.

Did you know that studies show that the pesticides that are applied into the crops can affect the Nervous system, increase the risk of cancer, and decrease fertility in men. Pesticides(Organophosphates) affect the Nervous system by interfering with the gap between each neuron which is called "synapse". This is where messages are passed from neuron to neuron known as neurotransmitters. When Organophosphate affect the synapse of the neuron this is known as Acetychlocine. After Acetychlocine interfered with the synapse to the next neuron, and is catalyzed(transfomed) by an enzyme is called Acetychlolinesterase. When the signal does not go on, the message repeats itself by trying to go onto the next neuron. The fertility of a man is also connected to the problems in the nervous system. There are products like soy, gmo, sugar, and water bottles can affect your fertility. Soy products contain and mimick estrogen in the body, which are female sex hormones. The levels of estrogen in the male body can cause fertility problems in a man. GMO is chemicals, hormones, and herbicides (which are chemicals used to destroy plants, especially weeds). From now on you should watch what you're eating.

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